Thursday, February 11, 2010

Eating Ice Cream With An Upset Stomach Why Is It I Can Eat Cheese, Yogurt, And Ice Cream. But I Get An Upset Stomach When I Drink Milk.?

Why is it I can eat cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. But I get an upset stomach when I drink milk.? - eating ice cream with an upset stomach

I'm the same way, I get a stomach if you eat too much ice. Maybe you can not tolerate milk in some ways and others?


Alan K said...

I have the same problems.

The explanation is simple. Cheese, yogurt are cultured and "bad" we complain PROTEINS failure. I can not eat ice cream or frozen yogurt, because this is not the same. I do not know why they would not have the same problems.

I drink lot of problems with the gas and stomach pain, if I have no milk.

I have no problem with baked desserts, are the "bad" milk protein broken down by heating.

swedish- american chef said...

I think I can help. contians dairy lactic acid, a sugar (sorta) is called lactose. PPL many who "lactosiemia") (pardon the spelling, to go there. Fructose, sucrose and act like a Rolaids in this acid, which is not so strong. Sugar in the milk, problems. To solve this problem, with chocolate or strawberry syrup. and not listen to PPL who say they drink milk. are sure to find someone in to complain about the cucumber, if you ask!

j_arding... said...

add enzymes to the degradation of lactose in cheeese, yogurt, ice cream, etc., when the high-end hardware receive is mostly air, so that they do not receive the lactose, milk and a glass.

shesh17 said...

Lactose intolerance in mild form. Try to reduce the lactose in milk (available in most grocery stores). You can also test for this ... Consult your doctor.

tweetylu... said...

I'm the same way. I think I have a intolerrance lactose. Too much my stomach is hurting. You can try soy milk or Lactaid is an OTC product that you can take before drinking milk.


GM needs to milk in the diet, the best milk is something that you have tried to contain different types? Try it with less fat

billy b said...

could be the end of the milk

MissAnth... said...

All dairy products are bad for you .... Stop .... They even poisoned

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